miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Learn more about the revolutionary currency market (FOREX)

What is foreign currency?

Forex (from the main Exchange), also known as the international currency market, is about buying and selling the main currencies. The daily operation volume is more than $5 000 000 000 000 per day, which is the largest market in the world. While looking at the values that run in all global exchanges, this would mean a small part of what is being negotiated in the Forex market.

Daily operation purchase and sale of currencies is immediately on the online trading platform or software installable on your computer or Forex mobile device almost never. Because their offers are not centralized to any world fixed bank can operate from Monday to Friday 24 hours.

¿Qué divisas están activas en el comercio de divisas?

Forex typically operates a large number of world names of Mexican peso to Swiss franc. The nature of the market is then based on the relations of some currencies with others which make up currency pairs, like EUR/USD (Euro/dollar).

What is the currency market plan?

As we said, Forex 24/7 works, but we can identify 4 main banking sessions. These times of aesthetic banking of meetings operated by big names and depending on the currency pairs that we operate, we need to pay more attention.

Opening hours may vary depending on the summer schedule and the locations that make up the session. The two most important are the Americans and Europeans after Asia and Australia.

In the next video he explains that it is and how forex works.

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