domingo, 27 de enero de 2019


Information on careers, salaries and education.

Below you will find everything you need to know about a career as a lawyer with many details. As a first step, observe some of the following jobs, which are real jobs with real employers. You will be able to see the actual labor requirements of the employers who are actively hiring. The link will open in a new tab so you can go back to this page and continue reading about the race:

Lawyer Job Description, Attorney lawyer,  Law Firm, Lawyer in English, What a lawyer does, Lawyer's description, United States Attorney

What lawyers do.

Lawyers advise and represent individuals, companies and government agencies in legal matters and disputes.

Duties of Lawyers.

Lawyers usually do the following:

Advising and representing clients in courts, government agencies and private legal matters.
Communicate with your clients, colleagues, judges and other people involved in the case.
Conduct research and analysis of legal problems.
Interpret laws, norms and regulations for individuals and companies.
Present the facts in writing and verbally to your clients or others, and discuss on behalf of your clients.

Prepare and archive legal documents such as judgments, appeals, wills, contracts and deeds.
Lawyers, also called lawyers, act as lawyers and advisers.

As advocates, they represent one of the parties in a criminal or civil trial presenting evidence and arguing in support of their client.

As advisors, lawyers advise their clients on their legal rights and obligations and suggest courses of action in commercial and personal matters. All lawyers investigate the intent of laws and court decisions and apply the laws to the specific circumstances that their clients face.

Lawyers often oversee the work of support staff, such as legal assistants and legal assistants and legal secretaries.

Lawyers may have different titles and different roles, depending on where they work.

In law firms, lawyers, sometimes called associates, perform legal work for individuals or companies. Those who represent and defend the defendant may be called criminal law attorneys or defense attorneys.

Lawyers also work for federal, state, and local governments. Prosecutors generally work for the government to file a claim or charge against a person or corporation accused of violating the law. Some may also work as public defense attorneys, representing people who cannot afford their own private attorney.
Others can work as government advisors for administrative bodies and government executive or legislative powers. They write and interpret the laws and regulations and establish procedures to enforce them. Government councils also write legal reviews of the agency's decisions. They argue civil and criminal causes on behalf of the Government.

Corporate lawyers, also called internal lawyers, are lawyers who work for corporations. They advise the executives of a corporation on legal matters related to the business activities of the corporation. These problems may involve patents, government regulations, contracts with other companies, property interests, taxes, or collective bargaining agreements with trade unions.

Public-interest attorneys work for non-profit private organizations that provide legal services to disadvantaged people or other persons who would otherwise not be able to afford legal representation. They usually handle civil cases, such as those that have to do with leases, labor discrimination, and wage disputes, rather than criminal cases.

In addition to working in different industries, lawyers can specialize in particular legal fields. The following are examples of types of lawyers in these fields:

Environmental lawyers deal with environmental-related issues and regulations. For example, they can work for defense groups, waste disposal companies, or government agencies to help ensure compliance with the relevant laws.

Tax attorneys handle a variety of tax-related issues for individuals and corporations. They can help customers navigate the complex tax regulations so that customers pay the appropriate tax on items such as income, earnings, and property. For example, tax attorneys can advise a corporation about the amount of taxes it must pay with the gains earned in different states to comply with the IRS rules.

Intellectual property attorneys deal with laws related to inventions, patents, trademarks, and creative works such as music, books, and movies. For example, an intellectual property attorney may advise a customer whether it is okay to use the material published in the next customer's book.

Family lawyers handle a variety of legal issues that belong to the family. They can advise clients on divorce, child custody and adoption procedures.

Securities attorneys work on legal matters arising from the purchase and sale of shares, ensuring that all disclosure requirements are met. They may inform companies that they are interested in trading on the stock exchange through an initial public offering (IPO) or in the purchase of shares in another company.

Lawyer Job Description, Attorney lawyer,  Law Firm, Lawyer in English, What a lawyer does, Lawyer's description, United States Attorney

viernes, 11 de enero de 2019

ICT, its current importance and the labour market.

It has a significant impact on the activities in the production and service sectors, as well as in everyday life. From this point of view, it is possible to refer to the document "Preliminary observations on the activity of future ICT" in the programme for the promotion of productive and social innovation, the undersecretary of studies and the perspectives of the Ministry of Science and Technology presented to refer.

The paper says that ICT is a key element in innovation and the creation of new production facilities and new businesses. For this reason, the key is to change the way in which research is carried out, the integration of professionals with high qualifications and experience in the field of information technology and communication in teams from different fields, such as the government , university, health, agriculture, energy, etc.

On the other hand, the generalization of the use of ICT in the world and in Argentina is reflected in its presence in most of the activities and social relations. On a global scale, its propagation is reflected in activities such as social networks, mass information bases, electronic media, digital art and corporate governance.

The main technological trends seem to address issues related to social innovation, increasingly sophisticated social networks, among other issues; Increasingly powerful and intelligent mobile platforms; Exponential growth of use and services in  "cloud " (Cloud Computing); Interactive digital content created by people (not only specialized companies); Internet of Things, IoT and its applications in practically all human activities.

This is the context in which information and communication technologies are essential. For this reason, the role of the State in the implementation of this sector has been significantly determined by measures to support software development (software law) and technological policies to promote innovation and quality management in this sector. Expanded.

The Ministry of Science and Technology launched a prospective ICT forum, whose results were published in the white Paper of the same, in 2009, because the state played a key role in the development of infrastructures from a series of programs that improve and Better focus on connected citizenship. This infrastructure, together with the development of capacities and contents, requires a transversal work of the sectors affected in the coming years.

Limits to the development of ICT

However, the growth of the sector has also shown some limitations in its development, and one of them is the low availability of human resources. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an educational policy that allows to create human resources for the current evolution of the information and communication technology.

Recalling the local context, the "Strategic plan for the information and communications sector ", developed by the Institute of Technological and Services industrial development of the Province of Mendoza (Idits), said that  "depending on the size of the Company in this sector, large employs 66% of human resources, SMEs 22% and micro, 9%. Depending on the level of qualifications, 6% of human resources are postgraduate; 47 percent, university students and 26 percent are technicians.

 "Computing has a major impact on activities in the production and service sectors, as well as in everyday life. From this point of view, it is possible to refer to the document "Preliminary observations on the activity of future ICT" in the programme for the promotion of productive and social innovation, the undersecretary of studies and the perspectives of the Ministry of Science and Technology presented to refer.

The paper says that ICT is a key element in innovation and the creation of new production facilities and new businesses. For this reason, the key is to change the way in which research is carried out, the integration of professionals with high qualifications and experience in the field of information technology and communication in teams from different fields, such as the government , university, health, agriculture, energy, etc.

On the other hand, the generalization of the use of ICT in the world and in Argentina is reflected in its presence in most of the activities and social relations. On a global scale, its propagation is reflected in activities such as social networks, mass information bases, electronic media, digital art and corporate governance.

The main technological trends seem to address issues related to social innovation, increasingly sophisticated social networks, among other issues; Increasingly powerful and intelligent mobile platforms; Exponential growth of use and services in  "cloud " (Cloud Computing); Interactive digital content created by people (not only specialized companies); Internet of Things, IoT and its applications in practically all human activities.

This is the context in which information and communication technologies are essential. For this reason, the role of the State in the implementation of this sector has been significantly determined by measures to support software development (software law) and technological policies to promote innovation and quality management in this sector. Expanded.

The Ministry of Science and Technology launched a prospective ICT forum, whose results were published in the white Paper of the same, in 2009, because the state played a key role in the development of infrastructures from a series of programs that improve and Better focus on connected citizenship. This infrastructure, together with the development of capacities and contents, requires a transversal work of the sectors affected in the coming years.

It has also been found that 61% of companies believe they need training for the people who lead their business, especially in matters of strategic planning, marketing, human resources, finance, production, administration and accounting. While at operational levels there is a great need for training in topics such as languages, software development tools, governance, communication and electronics.

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Learn more about the revolutionary currency market (FOREX)

What is foreign currency?

Forex (from the main Exchange), also known as the international currency market, is about buying and selling the main currencies. The daily operation volume is more than $5 000 000 000 000 per day, which is the largest market in the world. While looking at the values that run in all global exchanges, this would mean a small part of what is being negotiated in the Forex market.

Daily operation purchase and sale of currencies is immediately on the online trading platform or software installable on your computer or Forex mobile device almost never. Because their offers are not centralized to any world fixed bank can operate from Monday to Friday 24 hours.

¿Qué divisas están activas en el comercio de divisas?

Forex typically operates a large number of world names of Mexican peso to Swiss franc. The nature of the market is then based on the relations of some currencies with others which make up currency pairs, like EUR/USD (Euro/dollar).

What is the currency market plan?

As we said, Forex 24/7 works, but we can identify 4 main banking sessions. These times of aesthetic banking of meetings operated by big names and depending on the currency pairs that we operate, we need to pay more attention.

Opening hours may vary depending on the summer schedule and the locations that make up the session. The two most important are the Americans and Europeans after Asia and Australia.

In the next video he explains that it is and how forex works.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

GoPro's new action camera fixes an annoying quirk with video stabilization

The GoPro Hero 7 Black increases softness.

The GoPro Hero 7 Black is not very different on the outside, but there is much more power inside.

A lot of action images are meant to give you a feeling of sinking in your stomach. Whether you're a mountain cyclist who takes a leap of faith in a big fall, or just a little boy in a home movie that faces the big slide on the playground for the first time, that POV view has a big impact when you see the pictures. Unfortunately, that type of shot can also come with another stomach feeling: mild nausea from shaky, shaky images. For its new Hero 7 Black camera, GoPro has developed a technology called Hypersmooth, but behind this sleek name is an advanced image stabilization technology that has been refining for more than four years.

Fighting the Milkshakes.

GoPro is using digital image stabilization, which means it is not based on moving parts inside the camera to counteract the tremor.

Like any type of vibration reduction, digital image stabilization requires a set of internal sensors that include an accelerometer to determine how fast the camera moves, as well as a gyroscope to observe the camera's rotation. Then the camera processors interpret that data to get a clear picture of how the camera is moving through space.

To translate this into softer images, the camera uses only part of its image sensor to capture video, leaving a buffer of inactive pixels around the edges. If the camera detects movement to the right, it moves the active pixel window to the left using that buffer. The sensor itself does not move, but the active pixel window does.

 "We cut about five degrees around the edges ," says Nick Gilmour, director of product management for GoPro. That's not an insignificant cut in the frame, but since GoPro works with a lens that is much wider than a typical smartphone, it still offers a massive field of view.

Smoothing the edges.

This kind of digital image stabilization has some internet limitations. For example, once you get to the edge of that buffer, you can get an abrupt stop that feels unnatural. To combat this effect, GoPro considered how the camera approaches those edges, creating a more gradual transition to the boundary rather than a difficult shutdown.

This ability to analyze a scene comes from the GoPro GP1 chip, which is a dedicated piece of image processing hardware that performs some functions similar to Google's Visual Core Pixel and the new Apple chip on the IPhone XS Max. The new GoPro Hero 7 now has 2 GB of RAM dedicated to processing image data and interpreting the information collected from the sensors.

As a result, the smoothing of the image that once occurred mainly in post-processing now occurs in real time during capture.

Absorbing the Talk

Where you really notice the difference in performance of the GoPro 7 Black are situations with many small potholes, or "talk " as some shooters call it. Imagine riding a mountain bike on a rocky trail or a road bike on bumpy/lumpy cobblestones. That kind of fast, shaky tremor is the nightmare of the footage from the action camera, so GoPro has been so focused on it.

That's the kind of cut that mechanical image stabilization devices such as built-in or gimbal-stabilized lenses with which the camera fights.  "There is an operational limit on mechanical stabilization," says Gilmour,  "And when it reaches that limit, it will have to be reset, which creates something discordant and unnatural ".

However, by using digital image stabilization, you can select a camera mode that trims the active area on the sensor even further and gives the sensor trimmed more space to bounce to soften things up even more.

Art and Engineering

While there are certain aspects of the performance of a camera that can be objectively measured, such as sharpness and digital noise, other decisions are more subjective.

For example, if engineers who build Hypersmooth technology have tried to mimic the appearance of a mechanical cardan, sometimes it creates what is called a "false horizon ", where everything in the distance remains level, even if your body and The camera's spinning. This effect is what makes the gimbals so effective for drones, but not ideal for action cameras. That eliminates some of the drama of the scenarios, like bending over a motorcycle.

The line between the right amount of smoothing and too much is also very thin. There were times when I tried the GoPro Hero 7 Black in which the images looked a little too soft, giving any movement a slightly floating sensation that is not necessarily representative of what I remember.
Still, when it comes to absorbing the little bumps that make the old images of the action camera unseen, the GoPro Hero 7 Black is really awesome. Just be careful: without unstable images, you will all see how slow it is to ride your next mountain bike video.

tags: Reviews, cameras, GoPro, video AI algorithms, processors, technology gadgets 

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2018

Programmable money: Bitcoin Cash Community debates Oracle driven Upgrade

Lately, there has been a lot of talk aimed at adding a canonical transaction ordering (CTOR) process to the Bitcoin Cash protocol. Then there is the question of whether or not BCH developers should add the OP_Checkdatasig (CDS) operation code to the code base.

 Some believe that CDS will be beneficial for Bitcoin scripting applications and will allow for all types of smart contracts and decision-based transactions. However, others think that adding CDS is unnecessary and can compromise network security.

OP_Checkdatasig: The possibility of the Oracles and the Interchain atomic contracts.

There is a lot of discussion about the hard fork of the Bitcoin Cash Network (BCH) that will arrive in November. One of the topics is an implementation called OP_CHECKDATASIG (CDS) that has been added to the path map and the code base of Bitcoin ABC clients. 

Basically, CDS is a code of operation that could theoretically improve the scripting capability of the BCH protocol. When Satoshi created Bitcoin, the software included a scripting system much like Forth's programmable language.

 In addition to scripts, the code base also included script words, also known as ' Operation Codes '. There are quite a few operating codes and they all make several commands or binary functions, but most of them have been deactivated a long time ago.

OP_Checkdatasig is known as OP_Datasigverify in the same context throughout this article. 
Some people believe that certain operating codes could add a "programmable money" function to the network. OP_Checkdatasig (also called OP_Datasigverify or DSV) may allow the creation of decentralized oracles that verify the validation of certain signatures and return two different results independently. 

Essentially, the Oracle determines a definitive outcome without the need for a decision of a third party or custodian. Oracles are the foundation of an intelligent contract because the software itself decides when and who will release the funds according to the end of the meeting or if it does not meet certain requirements. When Bitcoin ABC announced the 0.18.0 version, the addition of CDS and the details of the development team announcement are included inside the client; The feature will be used for oracles and contracts.   

 "[Checkdatasig] will allow uses such as the use of oracles and cross-chain atomic contracts ", explains the Bitcoin ABC development team.

Pay to Identity

There are multiple publications that people can read on the topic of CDS and theoretical use cases. Mark Lundeberg has written a proposed CD use case called  "paying identity " That would allow the BCH protocol to determine the validity of a user's identification.

 "[Pay to Identity] is a mechanism where a Bitcoin Cash payment is made to a personal identification string (real name, email address, social network identifier, etc.) instead of directly to a cryptographic key ", details Lundeberg.  "The recipient can only claim the payment if it generates a public key and certifies it a trusted identity checker ".

Programmable money

Two publications written by the leading developer of Bitcoin Unlimited, Andrew Stone, also explain the possible cases of use of CDS. The publication of Stone,  "Bitcoin script applications: decision-based expenses ", provides a complete overview of how data and signatures can be verified autonomously. 

Stone also determines  "If [common use cases] can be expressed in the Bitcoin scripting language and if extensions are not determined and proposed, they are necessary to support the use case ". In binary contracts enabled, BUIP078 Stone gives a lot of color when describing what the code of operation could do in the future as well.      

 "[The opcode] allows a script to validate the signature in arbitrary data using the same algorithm (and code) ECDSA used to validate the signature in Bitcoin transactions ", explains Stone's BUIP078.  "Therefore, this operation code allows the use of an external ' Oracle ', which is also very important to allow importing external information into a transaction. Once the data is part of a transaction, it is useful to be able to manipulate it to verify various conditions in that data  ".


martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

How do criptomonedas like the bitcoin work?

The physical representation of Criptomonedas as the Bitcoin does not have any real value!

Criptomonedas, such as Bitcoin or oil, will soon be launched in Venezuela on the market, is a virtual payment method, so it is not marked as currency or printed as a note by the central bank.

This type of currency is generated by a complex computational process known as the blockchain (block chain) of a computer.

In The block that is linked between them, all publicly visible transactions are stored. It is based on open source and peer-to-peer technology, which is the communication between peers.

By encrypting technology, ensure that only Bitcoin owners can trade. It also ensures that each Bitcoin unit can be used only once.

The solution to the mathematical process that supports these currencies is called  "mining ". However, these procedures are questioned because they consume a lot of energy.

The purpose of these currencies can also be obtained on the Internet in real currencies (e.g., euros or dollars), in order to enable governments and banks to exchange independently and participants remain anonymous.

The most famous Criptomoneda is Bitcoin, which has existed since 2009.

It is believed that his creator is a figure named Mukonnaga, although it is unclear who really stands behind the character.

Australian computer scientist Craig. Wright claimed to be the man, but could not provide conclusive evidence. The advocates of this currency are one of their great virtues, they are not subject to government power, and their remuneration channels are more difficult to follow. However, his critics believe that this digital currency can be used for criminal purposes because of the latter's characteristics.

They also warned that, due to the lack of control and the huge movement of its value, criptomonedas mainly caused speculative bubbles. For example, the value of Bitcoin has fluctuated over the last few months, reaching a historical peak of about 20 000 dollars last December, averaging 10 000 dollars per Bitcoin.

In addition, different types of criptomonedas based on the same blockchain technology have multiplied. This example is criptokitties, a virtual pet that provides a didactic tool for those who start investing in this criptodivisas.


viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018

Recruitment levels and MBA salaries by region 2018

Nuestro reciente Informe QS  Tendencias de Empleo y Salarios 2018, basado en las respuestas de 3.463 empleadores en todo el mundo, destaca la fortaleza actual del mercado laboral de MBA.

Este año ha visto un aumento del 13% en la contratación mundial de MBA, y continúa con los constantes aumentos anuales que hemos visto en la última década. Para poner las cosas en perspectiva, los niveles de contratación de MBA ahora son tres veces más altos que los niveles de crisis financiera anteriores a 2007. Si bien la perspectiva global es bastante positiva, vale la pena analizar un desglose regional para comprender en qué parte del mundo se considera que el MBA es más valioso y dónde su MBA puede brindarle la mayor recompensa financiera.

Estados Unidos y Canadá

Cuando publicamos la edición anterior del Informe de Tendencias de Puestos de Trabajo y Salarios, los empleadores en EE. UU. Y Canadá fueron muy conservadores en su predicción de aumento en los niveles de contratación, estimando solo un aumento del 3% en 2017. En realidad, un 10% de aumento en la contratación los niveles en toda la región superan con creces esto y ha dado lugar a un pronóstico más ambicioso (si bien todavía en el lado conservador) de un aumento del 7% para 2018.

En términos de salario, EE. UU. Y Canadá siguen siendo el lugar ideal para los MBA. Después del leve descenso del año pasado, la compensación en la región se recuperó fuertemente y ahora está muy cerca de los niveles de salario de MBA récord del 2015. Mientras que los paquetes de bonos están caídos, los paquetes promedio de compensación total para los EE. UU. (US $ 120,900) y Canadá (US $ 111,100) solo pueden ser mejorados por Suiza (US $ 140,900).


Asia Pacific es la verdadera historia de éxito que surge de esta edición del Informe de tendencias de salarios y empleos de MBA. Si bien los empleadores confiaban en que los niveles de contratación aumentarían sustancialmente en 2017 (un 13% previsto), la cifra superó con facilidad incluso las elevadas expectativas (18%). Sin embargo, a medida que este mercado alcanza su madurez, los empleadores esperan que el aumento en la contratación disminuya en 2018 (7%) y en 2019 (2%).

Si bien es posible que los MBA no puedan extraer los mismos niveles de salario disponibles de los empleadores de los EE. UU., Una cifra promedio de compensación total de (US $ 85.900) no debería ser olfateada, incluso si está ligeramente por debajo de la cifra de 2016 (US $ 89.00 0). debido a pagos de bonificación más bajos Esto es especialmente cierto cuando se tiene en cuenta un menor costo de vida en algunos de los principales países de la región. Los aspectos más destacados en términos de paquetes de compensación total incluyen Australia (116.200 dólares), Singapur (105.300 dólares) y Japón (80.000 dólares).

África y Medio Oriente

Mientras que todas las otras regiones superaron de manera impresionante sus aumentos de nivel de contratación predichos en 2017, África y Medio Oriente es la única historia decepcionante del informe de 2018. El aumento marginal del 2% previsto está en línea con las predicciones; la predicción del próximo año es incluso menos positiva (-2%). Sin embargo, la región espera recuperarse en términos de niveles de contratación hasta el 2019 (10%), por lo que podría ser solo un caso de desgaste de la tormenta azotada por los precios fluctuantes del petróleo.

En términos de salarios en la región, los salarios básicos aumentaron un 16% año con año. Sin embargo, la fluctuación de los paquetes de bonificación significa que la compensación global se ha mantenido bastante estática en 2017 (US $ 90.700) en comparación con 2016 (US $ 89.400). Con un costo de vida más bajo en la región, estas cifras son todavía muy impresionantes, aunque deben leerse a la luz de una base de empleadores más pequeña.

America latina

La contratación en América Latina creció un 11% en 2017 frente a un aumento previsto del 5%. A medida que el mercado continúa creciendo en la región, los empleadores confían en que verán aumentos similares en los próximos años; 9% el próximo año y 10% en 2019.

Tanto los niveles de salario básico (6%) como de compensación total (5%) han aumentado constantemente en el último año, con la cifra de compensación total en la región que ahora se encuentra en una muy saludable cifra de US $ 75.900. Para los mejores paquetes en la región, los MBA deben dirigirse a Chile (US $ 94,900), Argentina (US $ 84,300), México (US $ 78,800) o Colombia (US $ 74,600).

Europa del Este y Asia Central

Europa del Este y Asia Central (EECA) registraron fuertes aumentos de contratación (12%) en 2017 en comparación con el crecimiento previsto (10%). Los empleadores en EECA esperan que el crecimiento en la contratación de MBA disminuya en 2018 (3%) e incluso se contraiga en 2019 (-3%). Con la Copa Mundial de fútbol que tendrá lugar en Rusia en 2018, se espera que el impulso a la economía de la región haga que estas predicciones mejoren.

Si bien los sueldos básicos aumentaron en un 15% en la región, con un MBA promedio con un salario de US $ 57,000, la compensación total en la región ha disminuido en un 6% (US $ 69,100) debido a los tumultuosos niveles de bonificación. Esto ahora coloca a la región en el último lugar de la lista en términos de compensación total, pero como se mencionó anteriormente, cuando se toma en cuenta el costo de vida en la ecuación, la ventaja de un MBA para los niveles salariales es clara.

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Continuation of why choose a versatile MBA program (1)

Let's take a look at a case study that offers the versatility that we're talking about.

Case study: University of UNICAF

UNICAF University offers a master's degree in Business Administration programs at:

Health Management
Oil and gas management
Information Systems Management

In addition to the master's degree in public administration for public and government professionals.

All these programs are well structured, contain the latest in business knowledge and are versatile in the way they are taught online, through the UNICAF virtual learning environment. To provide a rich and engaging learning experience, tutors use videos, audio podcasts, e-books, real-life scenarios, business-related tasks faced by students in their work, summaries of personalized subjects, surveys, contests and other custom-made. Learning material. MBA students from UNICAF University are taught by highly qualified teachers and tutors and have a combined learning option in specific locations that combines online with classroom teaching.

One of the important things about the study at the University of UNICAF is the benefit of the generous UNICAF scholarships granted to all eligible applicants. The main goal of the UNICAF Scholarship Program is to make education affordable for eligible students in Africa and beyond and provide opportunities for them to pursue advanced academic studies and obtain recognized qualifications Internationally.

UNICAF is rapidly becoming a key player in higher education in Africa, with a physical presence in 9 African countries, with affiliate campuses and learning centers across the continent. UNICAF offers unique opportunities to all for an internationally recognised quality university education. The UNICAF Scholarship Program is one of the most generous in the world today, and UNICAF's virtual learning environment is the largest digital platform available for online studies in Africa.
Studying at UNICAF University to get an MBA is flexible, affordable and easy to do, and helps you connect with an international community of UNICAF scholars in 156 countries.

Bottom line? Studying for an MBA with the University of UNICAF gives students not only the opportunity to obtain a high quality business degree from an accredited institution, but also to adopt the versatility of the MBA title itself: in Content and Delivery mode.

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jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

The top 10 jobs in technology

La tecnología de la información, a menudo abreviada, es la moda que probablemente haya escuchado sobre los anuncios de Sätgende cuando trabaja con personal de TI o algo relacionado con computadoras.

 El personal de TI está altamente especializado en su campo de experiencia, por lo que a menudo se los conoce como "nerds". Les gusta lo que hacen y lo entienden por dentro y por fuera.

 El personal de TI también es indispensable para casi todos los modelos comerciales modernos. Si la empresa se basa en teléfonos y correos electrónicos, existe la posibilidad de que sea profesional para todos asegurarse de que la máquina funcione correctamente en el dispositivo.

Entonces, ¿cuál es la verdadera ventaja de ser un elemento tecnológicamente importante de la compañía detrás de escena? Un excelente pago es su recompensa, principalmente. A medida que la economía encuentra su base y más puestos de trabajo abiertos, se espera que las demandas de los profesionales de TI sean enormes, como de costumbre. Es curioso saber lo que quiere hacer y cuánto le pagará alguien para hacerlo? Piense en estos 10 campos y sus rangos de salario promedio.

1. Consultor de TI

El puesto número 13 del último trabajo de CNN Top en la lista de EE. UU., El trabajo es un consultor de TI para ser tan vago como parece. En esta posición, es su tarea evaluar e investigar sistemas que nadie más entiende completamente. Como dice CNN, todos los negocios locales de Fortune 500 Start-up lo necesitan consultores para ayudarlos a encontrar la manera más barata y rápida de administrar mejor las computadoras.

Educación: el curso de Informática ayuda en cualquier caso, como la mayoría de los puestos en esta lista. CNN también recomienda que el consultor de TI se especialice en la categoría de nicho para enfocarse en el tipo de experiencia
PLAT: $ 96 400, según la CNN.

2. Cloud Architect

Por supuesto, has oído hablar de Cloud Computing. Aunque el espacio existente en el éter no puede ser literalmente tocado, aún es necesario organizar e interactuar con la arquitectura. Esa es la tarea.
Educación: Licenciatura.
Salario: $ 112,000, por lo que es uno de los trabajos más altos para pagar.

3. Investigador forense informático

Detectives de computadora: las mejores escuelas informan que los investigadores forenses de informática buscan, identifican y evalúan información en los sistemas informáticos, a menudo para realizar pruebas de laboratorio.

Education: TBS says he needs a degree in computer forensics, information security or cyber security. Also the board of the certification computer tester helps.
Salary: $64 000 according to TBS.

4. It Health specialist

Health is a flourishing field, especially given major changes in health care due to the affordable sourcing law and gradual transition to electronic medical records. It health specialists will mix computer skills with recording skills, but also require medical coding specialties, billing and cancer certification in TBS.

Education: While some health IT jobs require only diploma and/or related certifications, supervisory positions require grade and mastery.
Salary: $45, 000, according to TBS.

5. Mobile Application Developers

You probably have and most people you know, smartphones and/or tablet PCs. According to Careerrealismus, the use of mobile technologies at some point in the 2013 is supposed to surpass the personal computer, so companies rely more on IT professionals with experience in this field than ever before. With the help of basic coding languages, developers will create programs for future IOS and Android devices.